Our Photo Library originated in 1918, when the Reale Istituto d'Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte was funded. A nucleus of about 15,000 prints made by the Gabinetto Fotografico Nazionale was initially provided by the Direzione Generale delle Antichità e Belle Arti of the Italian Ministry of Education.
It was subsequently enriched by legacies, purchases and exchanges with public and private entities and, above all, thanks to important donations. For many years, a Photographic Laboratory was also set up in the Library of the Istituto.
The Photo Library is located in the historic building of Palazzo Venezia, with entrance at no. 49, Piazza San Marco. It can be accessed during opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9.30 - 14.00; Thursday: 9.30 - 18.00.
It currently collects about 130,000 prints of great historical interest and particular rarity, dating between the last decades of the nineteenth and the second half of the twentieth century. Numerous photographers are represented, together with the main national and foreign photographic companies (Istituto Italiano d’Arti Grafiche di Bergamo, Alinari, Gabinetto Fotografico Nazionale, Istituto LUCE, Anderson, Brogi, Moscioni).
Photographs are divided in Collections, which are named after their donors; within each Collection, sorting is organized by toponyms. At present there are about 2,900 toponyms, corresponding to as many localities, of which about 60% in Italy. A digital photo reproduction service is provided on request (REQUEST FORM).
Photographic Collections

Also known as Fondo Istituto, contains about 90,000 images of works of art from prehistory to contemporary times, both Italian...

It is the most relevant Collection in the INASA Photo Library. Preserves over 10,000 images of ancient and modern works of art...

Collects over 6,000 B/W photographs donated in 1956 by archeologist and orientalist Ugo Monneret de Villard...

Browse through more than 1,500 images of classical artworks collected by archaeologist Lucio Mariani...

Over 700 pictures of medieval and modern artworks, both Italian and foreign, collected by Giuseppe Galassi...

Consists of about 2,000 images of works of art, monuments and ancient buildings, donated by Giuseppe Lugli...

It gathers over 2,000 images of works of art, with a strong preponderance of subjects related to Umbrian painting, thus reflecting...

Also called Fondo Barnabei, it consists of about 2,000 images collected by Felice Barnabei (Castelli 1842-Roma 1922), founder of...

Over 200 photographs of Italian regional costumes and scenes of country life that Elisa Guastalla (Mantova 1858-Torino 1945)...

Currently under construction, it collects photographs taken by Adriano La Regina during his researches and archaeological...
Il patrimonio fotografico dell'Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte
Oltre 3.000 immagini di opere d'arte, monumenti, edifici, piazze, strade e scorci del Lazio tratte della Fototeca INASA: un viaggio fotografico alla scoperta dei tesori artistici, archeologici e paesaggistici della Regione e degli aspetti scomparsi della vita quotidiana
Thanks to an agreement signed by the Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte, the University of Oregon, the Stanford University, the Dartmouth College and the Biblioteca di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte di Roma (BIASA), 4,000 graphic works belonging to the Lanciani Collection have been recently digitized. The Collection, property of the Istituto, has been outsourced to the BIASA for public access. The Stanford University website Images of Rome. The Rodolfo Lanciani Digital Archive offers virtual access to a premier collection of historic depictions through a simple search interface and high resolution images.
Note: reproduction and publication requests for the Lanciani Collection at the BIASA must be submitted to the Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte at